Activities of the Government Commission: current practice of obtaining permits for operations with shares, real estate and payment of dividends, experience exchange (online)
Event Details SPIBA Legal Committee is pleased to invite you to take part in the online discussion "Activities of the Government Commission: current practice of obtaining permits for operations with shares, real estate and payment of dividends, experience exchange".
Apr 4, 2023
10:00 - 12:00 GMT+3
Speakers Olga Vorobieva Moderator, Head of Legal Practice at EMG Anton Kabakov Partner at Forte Tax & Law Oleg Lovtsov Counsel, St. Petersburg Real Estate and Construction practice at Nextons Alexandra Nechaeva Head of Legal Department at Yapartners Alexander Klimov Partner, Deputy General Director for Valuation of RUSAUDIT Agenda 10:00 - 10:20 Акции / Доли / Дивиденды: когда нужно разрешение Прав Комиссии. Legal update
Anton Kabakov Partner at Forte Tax & Law 10:20 - 10:40 Актуальные вопросы текущей практики получения разрешений Правительственной комиссии
Oleg Lovtsov Counsel, St. Petersburg Real Estate and Construction practice at Nextons 10:40 - 11:00 Практические аспекты согласования сделок с долями в ООО с Правительственной комиссией и профильными министерствами
Alexandra Nechaeva Head of Legal Department at Yapartners 11:00 - 11:20 Оценка для Правительственной Комиссии: процедурные и практические аспекты
Alexander Klimov Partner, Deputy General Director for Valuation of RUSAUDIT
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