Event Details

SPIBA Legal Committee is pleased to invite you to take part in the online discussion "Activities of the Government Commission: current practice of obtaining permits for operations with shares, real estate and payment of dividends, experience exchange".


  • Olga Vorobieva (Moderator, Head of Legal Practice at EMG)

    Olga Vorobieva

    Moderator, Head of Legal Practice at EMG

  • Anton Kabakov (Partner at Forte Tax & Law)

    Anton Kabakov

    Partner at Forte Tax & Law

  • Oleg Lovtsov (Counsel, St. Petersburg Real Estate and Construction practice at Nextons)

    Oleg Lovtsov

    Counsel, St. Petersburg Real Estate and Construction practice at Nextons

  • Alexandra Nechaeva (Head of Legal Department at Yapartners)

    Alexandra Nechaeva

    Head of Legal Department at Yapartners

  • Alexander Klimov (Partner, Deputy General Director for Valuation of RUSAUDIT)

    Alexander Klimov

    Partner, Deputy General Director for Valuation of RUSAUDIT


  • 10:00 - 10:20Акции / Доли / Дивиденды: когда нужно разрешение Прав Комиссии. Legal update

    Anton Kabakov

    Partner at Forte Tax & Law

    10:20 - 10:40Актуальные вопросы текущей практики получения разрешений Правительственной комиссии

    Oleg Lovtsov

    Counsel, St. Petersburg Real Estate and Construction practice at Nextons

    10:40 - 11:00Практические аспекты согласования сделок с долями в ООО с Правительственной комиссией и профильными министерствами

    Alexandra Nechaeva

    Head of Legal Department at Yapartners

    11:00 - 11:20Оценка для Правительственной Комиссии: процедурные и практические аспекты

    Alexander Klimov

    Partner, Deputy General Director for Valuation of RUSAUDIT
