Event Details

The SPIBA HR Committee invites you to take part in the panel discussion "Gone but stayed. How business processes are changing in companies that were international until recently".

Some companies have decided to reorganize their business assets in Russia, which has led to new challenges in management, goal setting and tactics. We will discuss with the speakers what difficulties managers of companies that have recently been part of an international team face.


  • Mikhail Abgaryan (Head of business development in Russia and CIS at Ancor Consulting)

    Mikhail Abgaryan

    Head of business development in Russia and CIS at Ancor Consulting

    Co-сhair of the SPIBA HR Committee

    view more
  • Polina Pasko (HR Director of Mining Element)

    Polina Pasko

    HR Director of Mining Element

  • Elena Yuzhakova (HR Lead at BRP Saint-Petersburg)

    Elena Yuzhakova

    HR Lead at BRP Saint-Petersburg

  • Varvara Tolstaya (Project Manager at ANCOR Consulting)

    Varvara Tolstaya

    Project Manager at ANCOR Consulting

  • Natalia Fedorova (Human Resources Director of Lindaily)

    Natalia Fedorova

    Human Resources Director of Lindaily

  • Ekaterina Aridova (General manager at Nikoliers in Saint Petersburg)

    Ekaterina Aridova

    General manager at Nikoliers in Saint Petersburg


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