Event Details

The shortage of personnel at all levels has become a serious challenge for businesses. Recruiters are sounding the alarm: employees need to be sought not only throughout Russia but also beyond its borders, agreeing to remote work formats, wage increases, and part-time contracts.

How can companies overcome the staffing crisis? Are there any glimpses of hope? What solutions is the business inventing? Let's talk with analysts and analyze successful business cases at the round table "How to Remain Efficient in Times of Staff Shortage: Analytics, Approaches, Case Studies".

Key points of the event:

  • The recruitment situation in companies: in-demand specialists, wage indexation, staff retention, and counteroffers from companies,
  • Work formats in companies for 2024: hybrid or remote,
  • How to find employees for projects even in the narrowest niches in times of staff shortage,
  • All companies need to be adept at crisis PR in 2024: how to safeguard and protect your brand in the absence of a qualified workforce,
  • Remote press service, PR consultant, and PR advisor: what are the differences and what business tasks they can help solve.

The event will be beneficial for marketers, PR and HR specialists, as well as anyone interested in current information on the personnel shortage issue.

  • Date: Wednesday, April 17
  • Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, registration starts at 3:30 PM
  • Location: Liden&Denz, 3 Zhukovskogo Street

Apr 17, 2024

15:30 - 18:00 GMT+3

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Liden&Denz, Zhukovskogo st., 3
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
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  • 15:30 - 16:00Registration & Coffee Break
    16:00 - 16:20The 2024 Labor Market Landscape: Key Figures for Effective Recruitment, Retention and Motivation of Staff

    Svetlana Orel

    Manager of Specialized Labor Market Research Practice at Antal Talent

    16:20 - 16:40Staff Turnover in the Labor Market 2024: Who is to Blame and What to Do?

    Varvara Tolstaya

    Head of the Business Development Department at ANCOR Consulting

    16:40 - 17:00How to Manage Brand Reputation in Conditions of Shortage of Qualified PR Personnel

    Natalia Belkova

    General Director of 4D Communication Agency

    17:00 - 17:30Q&A Session
    17:30 - 18:00Networking


  • Elena Shumeiko (Moderator, Corporate Communications Specialist at SvetoPaper)

    Elena Shumeiko

    Moderator, Corporate Communications Specialist at SvetoPaper

  • Svetlana Orel (Manager of Specialized Labor Market Research Practice at Antal Talent)

    Svetlana Orel

    Manager of Specialized Labor Market Research Practice at Antal Talent

    Read Bio
  • Varvara Tolstaya (Head of the Business Development Department at ANCOR Consulting)

    Varvara Tolstaya

    Head of the Business Development Department at ANCOR Consulting

  • Natalia Belkova (General Director of 4D Communication Agency)

    Natalia Belkova

    General Director of 4D Communication Agency
