Event Details

The SPIBA HR Committee invites you to an webinar "Legal Overview for Employers: Key Legislative Changes and Current Case Law on Labor Disputes."

During the webinar, the following topics will be discussed:

  • Overview of the latest changes in labor legislation: new guarantees for employees, the new employment law, job quotas for people with disabilities, and more.
  • Application of the Supreme Court's position on the procedure for voluntary resignation.
  • Damage caused by an employee to the employer's property: what to consider so that the court recognizes the retention as lawful.
  • The Troublemaker's Union: How to counter employee misconduct.
  • Trends in wage-related practices: bonuses, indexations, and more.
  • Current case law on disputes with remote workers.

Date: Tuesday, June 11

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM

Format: Online, the connection link will be available after registration.


  • Alexander Korkin (Moderator, Senior Lawyer, Employment and Dispute Resolution Practice at Melling, Voitishkin & Partners)

    Alexander Korkin

    Moderator, Senior Lawyer, Employment and Dispute Resolution Practice at Melling, Voitishkin & Partners

  • Olga Lobanova (Senior Legal Counsel, Auditor at EMG)

    Olga Lobanova

    Senior Legal Counsel, Auditor at EMG

  • Anastasia Filyayeva (Senior Lawyer, Complex Labor Disputes at X5 Group)

    Anastasia Filyayeva

    Senior Lawyer, Complex Labor Disputes at X5 Group

  • Aleksandra Vodukova (Head of the Department of Claim and Claim Work North-East at X5 Group)

    Aleksandra Vodukova

    Head of the Department of Claim and Claim Work North-East at X5 Group

  • Anna Berlina (Partner, Head of Labor and Immigration Law Practice at Pepeliaev Group)

    Anna Berlina

    Partner, Head of Labor and Immigration Law Practice at Pepeliaev Group

  • Varvara Egorova (Lawyer at Denuo)

    Varvara Egorova

    Lawyer at Denuo

  • Olga Polezhaeva (Head of the Practice of Legal Consulting on Labor Law at ANCOR)

    Olga Polezhaeva

    Head of the Practice of Legal Consulting on Labor Law at ANCOR
