The strength and stability of a true leader depends on his inner world and the world in his team. But we often encounter open or veiled conflicts at work.

How to quickly and effectively remove an obstacle, as well as free up energy for moving forward - this is the topic of our conversation at the upcoming master class on 11.03 "From confrontation to communication".

Everyone will leave with their own set of rules on how to behave in a conflict, how to manage it and how to help get out of it.

How to quickly and effectively resolve a conflict situation at work and turn it into a long-term working relationship

  • the latest scientific data and practices from the best negotiators
  • ⁠2 hours: theory + practice = exit with an individual set of actions for an ecological exit from the conflict
  • ⁠in the program Karl Marx and Sherlock, chimpanzee V bonobo, practices on how to disarm the amygdala, group processes, personal identity, strategy for transition to constructive communication
  • for HR, for managers, for those who are sensitive, for those who often conflict, for those who "divorce"

Date: March 11, Tuesday

Time: 16:00 - 18:00, registration from 15:30

Place: Domina St.Petersburg Hotel, Moika river embnk, 99


Domina Hotel St. Petersburg
Moika river emb. 99
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email pr@spiba.ruYou can also reach us at +7 (911) 000-48-22

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