Event Details

"The Last Son of the Renaissance Era," Lope Felix De Vega Carpio, wrote the comedy "The Valencian Widow" in the year 1604. He dedicated the play to his beloved, Marta de Navarre, to alleviate her mourning for her deceased husband. With a broad dramatic gesture, Lope de Vega not only revealed to Marta but also to all of humanity a world filled with absolute delight in life, passionate love, poetry, mischief, and refined humor. For over four hundred years, this plot has remained one of the most popular in the world.
The play by the young director Ivan Ryabenko resonates with the spirit of the Spanish classic. The characters in the play possess a "freedom of conscience, manifested in the independence of character." They are young, beautiful, naive, straightforward, brave, and determined. Their thoughts are impulsive, feelings fragile, while their words and actions are passionate and swift. These are full-blooded Renaissance personalities brimming with the vitality of life, overflowing at the seams. "The Valencian Widow" is a frenzy of love, an adventurous game "till the full truth of passions," a triumph of the human spirit over the laws of honor and morality.
After the performance, participants of the SPBA are invited to a buffet, where there will be an opportunity to personally engage in conversations with the director-producer Ivan Ryabenko and the actors who portray characters in the play.
- The premiere will take place on Saturday, October 14, 2023
- Starting at 7:00 PM, with a duration of 2 hours and 50 minutes, including one intermission
- Theater Venue: Theater "Na Liteinom", 51 Liteiny Avenue
- Ticket price: 1 800 RUB/person