Registration, Coffee Break
Welcome speech by the General Director of EOS
Innovations in Debt Collection: Digital Solutions and Automation

- The Role of Technology in Process Optimization for Debt Collection,
- Efficient Utilization of Automated Systems for Debt Management,
- Integration of Digital Tools to Reduce Risks and Enhance Efficiency.

Effective Debt Management: Strategies and Methods

- Analysis of the Main Causes of Accounts Receivable,
- Best Practices for Managing Accounts Receivable,
- Utilization of Modern Technologies and Analytics to Enhance Processes,
- International Debt Collection (including Cross-Border Legal and Legislative Aspects in Debt Management).

Pause Over a Glass of Wine
"Trends and Forecasts in Accounts Receivable Management" & "Ethics and Legal Compliance in Debt Collection Processes"

- Analysis of Current Trends in Accounts Receivable Management,
- Forecasting Future Legislative Changes and Their Impact on Debt Collection Practices,
- Influence of Global Economic Trends on Accounts Receivable and Adaptation Strategies,
- Overview of Key Ethical Principles in Debt Collection Practices,
- Practical Recommendations for Effective Interaction with Debtors.
